Drug Target Predictor
Input Compound
Results Description
Pocket ID is a system-defined number of protein binding pocket. RF Prob is probability estimate provied by Random Forest method.
RF Prob > 0.5 generally indicates that the queried compound may bind to the corresponding protein.
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ID Query Pocket ID Protein Name PDB ID UniProt ID RF Prob
P00758 NA 1X8J Q26490 0.714
P02198 cmeR 3QQA Q7B8P6 0.706
P00229 NA 1GT4 P07435 0.695
P00561 Ache 2WHP P21836 0.691
P00101 PLG 1B2I P00747 0.686
P01176 MIF 3IJG P14174 0.681
P00472 limA 1NU3 Q9ZAG3 0.68
P02579 XYLB 4BC5 O75191 0.68
P01122 TDRD3 2LTO Q9H7E2 0.678
P03654 CHKA 5AFV P35790 0.678
P00486 Ighv1-72 1OAY P01751 0.676
P00517 tag 1P7M P05100 0.676
P01373 Endo 2W92 Q93HW0 0.676
P01929 LPA 3KIV P08519 0.676
P02071 PIN1 3I6C Q13526 0.675
P00833 chiB1 2A3B Q873X9 0.674
P01417 NA 1E6S P29736 0.674
P00565 ache 2V96 P04058 0.673
P01532 SIGLEC5 2ZG1 O15389 0.673
P02310 NA 4CTJ A9LIE0 0.673
P01176 MIF 3IJG P14174 0.981
P02071 PIN1 3I6C Q13526 0.981
P01982 TP53BP1 3LGL Q12888 0.98
P00101 PLG 1B2I P00747 0.979
P02753 susF 4FE9 G8JZS6 0.979
P00434 GPD 1N1G P90551 0.975
P02310 NA 4CTJ A9LIE0 0.975
P00477 bla 1NXY P62593 0.973
P00787 cobB 4BV2 Q9WYW0 0.973
P03062 NA 1HYZ Q76353 0.973
P00032 fldA 2BMV O25776 0.972
P01065 C1QA 2JG8 P02745 0.972
P01562 chiA 3AS1 Q9AMP1 0.972
P02516 SMNDC1 4A4F O75940 0.972
P03183 FCN2 4NYT Q15485 0.972
P01042 PRKAR2A 2IZX P13861 0.969
P01327 dscE 2VMC P42530 0.969
P03077 PDE10A 4LLP Q9Y233 0.969
P03352 CA2 1AVN P00918 0.969
P01965 ycgR 3KYF Q88EQ6 0.968
P00101 PLG 1B2I P00747 0.908
P01562 chiA 3AS1 Q9AMP1 0.908
P01176 MIF 3IJG P14174 0.907
P02071 PIN1 3I6C Q13526 0.907
P00434 GPD 1N1G P90551 0.906
P02753 susF 4FE9 G8JZS6 0.906
P01982 TP53BP1 3LGL Q12888 0.902
P00833 chiB1 2A3B Q873X9 0.901
P01065 C1QA 2JG8 P02745 0.901
P01564 chiA 3ARZ Q9AMP1 0.901
P02310 NA 4CTJ A9LIE0 0.901
P01327 dscE 2VMC P42530 0.9
P03219 GL50803_16453 4OLC A8BB85 0.9
P00477 bla 1NXY P62593 0.899
P00787 cobB 4BV2 Q9WYW0 0.899
P01929 LPA 3KIV P08519 0.899
P00032 fldA 2BMV O25776 0.898
P00249 NCF4 1W70 Q15080 0.898
P01965 ycgR 3KYF Q88EQ6 0.896
P03062 NA 1HYZ Q76353 0.896
Drug Target Predictor