Anti-HIV Predictor
Active Anti-HIV Compounds
This file contains 9584 active anti-HIV compounds downloaded from ChEMBL.

Inactive Anti-HIV Compounds
This file contains 23998 inactive anti-HIV compounds downloaded from ChEMBL.

SVM Model File (Windows)
This file is a trained model of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and is required for anti-HIV compounds prediction.

SVM Model File (Linux)
This file is a trained model of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and is required for anti-HIV compounds prediction.

RF Model File (Windows)
This file is a trained model of Random Forest (RF) and is required for anti-HIV compounds prediction.

RF Model File (Linux)
This file is a trained model of Random Forest (RF) and is required for anti-HIV compounds prediction.

Source Code
This file contains source code for anti-HIV compounds prediction.

Anti-HIV Predictor